First of all i nak say thanks to all for dropping by to my blog. *bajet mcm ade org baca blog dia kan*
Well first u all might think that blog ni pasal cupcakes or cakes je kan... at first mmg la nak story psl customer yg order cupcakes or cakes kan... but this time around dlm belog ni i nak share jugak pasal apa2 lah i rasa nak share.. makanya belog ini akan jadi campur2 la... u got me???
So, if ade org yg first timer yg dropping by to my belog... if rasa2 nak order cupcakes... u all boleh click kat
dekat link ni >> Order form untuk fill in order form...cupcakes ape yg korg nak order~~
So till then;
thank u infinity for dropping by here!
Dengan anak sepupu yg gojes sangat!! *i suka gmbar ni sbb i nampak sgt keibuan* mode: Perasan sgt! |